
Customizable solutions to Meet Your Application Needs

At TAG Solutions we measure success by the results of our customers – hundreds of companies are achieving or exceeding their manufacturing performance objectives with our help. Our engineers are experts not only in current automation technologies and trends, but also legacy systems that remain the lifeblood of many of our customers. We design and deploy systems that make sense for you, and give you the best payback.

Turnkey Engineering Projects

Turnkey Engineering Projects

TAG Solutions specializes in offering turnkey automation engineering projects across a diverse range of industries.

Electrical Control Panels

Electrical Control Panels

TAG Solutions use cutting edge technology and innovative business processes to provide industrial control panels of the highest caliber that are tailored to your specific requirements.

Pre-Engineered Solutions

Pre-Engineered Solutions

TAG Solutions pre-engineered solutions offer innovative options that can reduce costs while improving quality and efficiency. They can be configured to meet the unique requirements of your automation project and facility.